Maize(Yellow Corn) - Sharp-Ages - Maize(Yellow Corn) Exporter in Pakistan



          Maize(Yellow corn), a crucial energy source in animal feed, is widely used for its high-protein content, often replacing synthetic amino acids in diets. Yellow corn is highly valued by animal feed suppliers, leading to extensive research by breeders to enhance its nutritional quality, particularly for monogastric animals that includes poultry, pigs, horses, rabbits, dogs and cats. This research has resulted in the development of “Quality Protein Maize (QPM),” a new class of maize with improved protein quality.

Yellow Corn use in Livestock diet

          Maize (Yellow corn) is the leading cereal grain for animal feed globally, with over 65% of yellow corn produced being used for this purpose. The rising poultry production in developing Asian countries has driven up the demand for yellow corn, and suppliers in Pakistan are capitalizing on this opportunity. Its high dietary energy value and consistent yield make it a preferred choice for feeding domestic birds, often bought in bulk or wholesale by livestock farmers.

Sharp Ages is a top supplier of yellow corn, serving the poultry, cattle, and animal feed industries worldwide. With various maize types available—such as forage, hay, and grain—we meet diverse customer needs. If you’re looking to purchase maize in bulk, Sharp ages is your go-to source.

Improving the protein content of corn at Sharp Ages

At Sharp Ages, we prioritize delivering the highest quality yellow corn for animal feed. Our commitment is to ensure excellent product quality, reliable delivery, and strong customer relationships, positioning ourselves as leading yellow corn manufacturers.

Despite yellow corn’s relatively low total protein and lysine content, these deficiencies can be addressed through proper blending with animal products, legumes, and oilseeds. This blending enhances the protein quality without affecting the maize price. Combining these ingredients often results in a higher protein content than maize alone, and supplements like lysine and tryptophan can further improve the protein profile. Sharp Ages implements these practices to optimize the nutritional value of our maize.

As one of the largest suppliers of animal feed corn, Sharp Ages offers a range of products, including dried corn kernels and feed-grade dried corn. We specialize in exporting both feed-grade and yellow sweet corn, with customizable packaging options available. Purchase maize meal from us today to meet your needs with our high-quality products and attractive packaging.

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Quality of Maize At Sharp Ages

          Maize (Yellow corn) tends to thrive on lighter or more exposed soils and is more resilient to cooler conditions. For optimal quality, planting yellow maize on south-facing slopes with wet ground is beneficial. At Sharp Ages, our yellow corn is known for its high nutrient content and superior quality.

Sharp Ages is committed to becoming the top maize supplier in Pakistan, offering competitive prices and excellent quality. Contact us for the current maize rates and take advantage of our affordable prices.

As a leading yellow corn supplier, Sharp Ages continuously works to enhance our product quality. Our goal is to establish ourselves as one of the premier yellow maize suppliers globally.

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