Fresh Potatoes - Sharp Ages | Export Quality Fresh Potatoes In Pakistan



SHARP-AGES is well known for the export of fresh potatoes from the current season crop. We deliver potatoes in high quality, good shape, and clean condition. Mozaika, Sante, Lady Rosetta and Asterix potatoes may have a size range of 8 to 10 cm or more, weight 70 grams or more, and a thick peal. SHARP-AGES provides top quality product at reasonable price through safe shipment.


Mozika potatoes are highly consumed in traditional and junk food throughout the world. This vegetable contains various nutrients such as iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Moreover, it holds delicious taste. Mozika potatoes are available in a variety of sizes from 8 to 10 cm or more; their weight ranges from 80 grams or above; and they have a thick peal.


Sante – Organic Seed Potatoes. Sante is an early main crop potato suitable for pre-packing, processing, and general ware. It used to be the most commonly grown organic variety. It has good blight resistance. It also has high resistance against white and golden eelworm. Sante potatoes are available in a variety of sizes from 8 to 10 cm or more; their weight ranges from 80 grams or above; and they have a thick peal.


Asterix is a high yielding late main crop variety of long oval uniform red tubers with yellow flesh, with high dry matters and pale fry colours well suited to production of French fries and processed products. Lady Rosetta potatoes are available in a variety of sizes from 8 to 10 cm or more; their weight ranges from 80 grams or above; and they have a thick peal.


Lady Rosetta is a specialist crisping variety, with high dry matter and low reducing sugars. It has early crop maturity and is suitable for quality crisp production either fresh or from short-term storage. Moderate to high yields of uniform, round tubers with low out grades, with good all-round disease resistance. Lady Rosetta potatoes are available in a variety of sizes from 8 to 10 cm or more; their weight ranges from 50 grams or above; and they have a thick peal.

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