Fresh Onions - Sharp Ages | Export Quality Fresh Onions In Pakistan



SHARP-AGES is well known for the export of Onions from the current season’s crop, and it may have a size range of 40 mm to 70 mm or more. We deliver onions in high quality, good shape, and clean condition at a reasonable price through safe shipment.


Red onion, also known as the bulb onion or common onion, this vegetable is the most widely cultivated. Its close relatives include the garlic, shallot, leek, chive, and Chinese onion. Onion can be used in different forms; hence its demand is increasing day by day in the global market. The Pakistan onion is regarded as a high-quality onion. However, it is hoped that in the future, Pakistan will be one of the world's largest exporters of onions. Quality red onions are super-healthy. They are excellent sources of vitamin C, sulphuric compounds, flavonoids, and phytochemicals. Studies have shown that they may help reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease, cardiovascular disease, and heart diseases as well.


White onions have a papery white skin, and their flavor is milder and sweeter than yellow onions, making them good for serving raw in fresh salsa or homemade guacamole.White onions it the type of onion you’ll usually find in prepared salads (potato and macaroni salads, for instance) and traditionally in Mexican cuisine. “White onions can be strong but they tend to have less aftertaste,” Reddin says. Their slightly sweet taste adds to fresh salsas, guacamole, ceviche and tacos. They’re also commonly served up in barbecue establishments with a plate of meat, pickle and sides. Try our simple technique for caramelized onions.


Yellow onions are suitable for any conceivable use, other than perhaps as a garnish for your martini (use a pearl onion for that). You could easily live a rich and fulfilling life even if this were the only onion you ever tasted. Its heavy brown parchment skin surrounds ivory white flesh with a strong, sulphury, pungent flavor and aroma. If a recipe says onion without specifying what type, it’s assumed to be a yellow onion.

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